Friday, May 27, 2011

my little girl

When I was pregnant, I was so excited to welcome a healthy baby girl into the world.  I didn't have the slightest inclination that anything would ever be wrong with her, in fact, while reading, I skipped over the chapters discussing colic, GERD, etc.  I shouldn't have done that.  Anyway, we're dealing with those issues, no big deal.  She should outgrow the GERD any day now. 

As she's grown, it's been difficult for me not to compare her with other babies.  We are blessed with so many friends, family & church family members who have had babies around the time we had Charli.  I'm excited that she will be surrounded by so many friends, but I have also seen these other babies learn to roll, sit, crawl, pull up, stand, even walk before Charli.  She was almost 7 months old before she rolled for the first time on her own.  I cried.  I even had to stop reading books & weekly emails about what my baby should/could be doing because I was becoming so discouraged.  Everyone continues to tell me that it's a good thing that she just sits still because I don't have to chase her around or worry about baby-proofing everything.  Maybe I wouldn't mind her just sitting if she was content while she sat.  She seems to have little patience for anything.  All that being said, I called the Alliance for Infants and Toddlers to schedule an appointment to have Charli evaluated to see if she will qualify for services from Early Intervention.  She is 11 months old today & still does not do very much, but I feel encouraged that through Early Intervention Services, she will someday!

1 comment:

  1. Trisha,
    You know that I have made that call as well. Let me know how it all goes. I know you are tired of hearing it, but I will not be surprised if after the evaluation they say that Charli is absolutely fine and will get to moving around soon on her own without any intervention. Saying that, you have done the right thing if that Mommy-worry just won't go away! The worst that can happen is that they say she's fine & then you can feel better about it all. I'm sorry--I'm not finding the right words here! Just know you are not alone! I'm only a phone call (or a short trip down 79) away!
